Douzeniers –The Douzaine is responsible for leading the engagement of parish affairs. It also acts as a ‘go between’ on parish and States of Guernsey matters that affect the parish of St Martin. It is the voice of the parish, expressing the opinions of its parishioners when liaising with the Island wide Deputies.
The Douzaine is made up of twelve Douzeniers, who are elected residents of St Martin and serve voluntarily for terms of up to four years, although they can stand for re-election
Elections are held annually at the beginning of November, where applicants and voters must be on the Electoral role for St Martin to be eligible to, stand for the role of Douzenier, or to nominate a parishioner, second a nomination or vote for a nominee.
The Douzaine meets monthly to discuss parish matters, of which there are eleven meetings during a calendar year.
Please contact the office on 01481 238363 for further information, if you are interested in serving your parish as a Douzenier.


Hire the Parish Hall!
Did you know that you can hire the Parish Hall for public and domestic functions such as a wedding reception or anniversary party?