Parish Community Plan
St Martin Community Plan
We want your views of the St Martin Parish.
What you like about it?
What you don’t like?
What improvements you would like to see?
Send your views by email to or post or hand deliver your comments to Constables Office, La Grande Rue, St Martin GY4 6LQ
St Martin Community Plan
The Parish of St Martin is the third largest parish on the island and has the 4th highest population density, and interestingly it has the highest ratio of open market to local market homes of all parishes. The announcement of plans by the States Development & Planning Authority to allocate three sites within the parish for social and affordable housing, raised concerns in the community. The locations of these sites would likely require access through narrow and already congested lanes, and would extend the boundary of the Local Centre. This flagged up issues over the manner in which future development within the parish might be managed, the available infrastructure and the impact it could have on the strong sense of identity and cohesion the parish enjoys.
The Constables of St Martin have responded by assembling a committee drawn from within the community with wide demographic representation. The committee has begun the process of preparing a 'Community Plan', a document that is hoped to become Supplementary Planning Guidance and which may during its preparation help to inform the current IDP Review process. The St Martin Community Plan will cover the whole parish, and is expected to take around 12 months to complete. The approach works on a 'bottom up' principle, which looks to the community to identify the challenges and opportunities within their parish and to propose ways in which these can be resolved and developed to provide benefit for all for the next 15 years, and beyond. The plan will only include proposals supported by a majority of respondents in the numerous consultations that will be undertaken, the first of which is underway now. Residents, business owners, employees and other stakeholders with an interest in the parish can provide their responses via email and post over the coming weeks. And the committee will be reaching out to specific community groups directly, to gain as wide an understanding of those challenges and opportunities as possible. This will lead to a presentation of proposals and an exhibition to invite parishioners and stakeholders to give their feedback on the ideas brought forward and which is due to link in with events around the public holidays and Liberation Day this May.
The initiative is professionally supported by Oliver Brock who has successfully aided the Parish of St Pierre du Bois in a similar albeit smaller scale initiative.
Contact: Carla Bauer 07781 127422
Hire the Parish Hall!
Did you know that you can hire the Parish Hall for public and domestic functions such as a wedding reception or anniversary party?